Displacements - The Trouble with being Human these days.
Ex Elettrofonica Gallery
March/May 2015
Take a compass; pierce the tip into the red dot that marks Rome and slide the pencil around, tracing a perfect circle that encompasses Eastern Europe, countries in the North such as Denmark, in the Northwest such as Ireland, and finally, the Mediterranean.This is what surrounds us. If we read the few pages that our newspapers dedicate to foreign policy, we find what is happening in this circle we’ve drawn. For a short time we place ourselves in a position of centrality in the system of forces that act, move, and stir all around us. Perhaps we, too, are moving, even if there is no evidence of this.
Following the journey of our international artists we are returned home, with the work of the only Italian artist, Diego Marcon. By positioning the work within the local with an outward glance to the global, this exhibition attempts to raise questions in relation to how identity operates within a matrix of social, political and national forces.
Displacements; The Trouble with Being Human These Days seeks to stimulate a reflection on the individual in relation to territory or community, through the works of Ursula Burke, Iulia Ghita, Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, Timea Oravecz, all artists who have addressed political and social themes based on their own personal and psychological conditions, and their own identities.