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VISUAL, Carlow, Ireland 
November 2021 - Jan 2022
Supplicants Install
Supplicants - Exhibition View
Exhibition Image
Blue Sphinx, Polystyrene, fleece wool, embroidery thread, porcelain and stain 2020
Blue Sphinx
Blue Sphinx Winged, polystyrene, fleece wool, embroidery thread, porcelain and stain 2021
Embroidery Breast Plate - embroidery inspired by Andrea Mantegna's Oculus Ceiling Fresco
Blue Sphinx Winged
Blue Sphinx Winged
Blue Sphinx Winged - Side
Blue Sphinx Winged - detail porcelain bust
The Protestor & Still Life - Peach, Pink & Eggnog Tapestry
The Protestor
The Protestor
The Protestor
The Protestor
The Protestor, Fibreglass, fleece wool, glass wax, embroidery thread and porcelain 2021
The Protestor, porcelain bust
The Protestor & Still Life - Tapestry
Still Life - Peach, Pink & Eggnog Tapestry 2021
Installation Image
Veil, Porcelain 2015
Pope Joan - Porcelain and Stain, 2015
Pope Joan - Porcelain and Stain, 2015
Pope Joan
Pope Joan, Porcelain and Stain, 2015
Peach Caryatid - Porcelain Bust, Merino Wool, Embroidery Thread, Glass Wax and Fibreglass, 2021
Peach Caryatid and Weeping Fresco
Peach Caryatid
Peach Caryatid and Ceiling Fresco
Peach Caryatid Detail
Bust Detail
Bust Detail
Porcelain Bust
Weeping Bust detail
Drawings and Crying Fresco Install
Drawings and Crying Fresco Install
Blue - Protest - Watercolour and Pencil 2021
Blue Protest, Watercolour and Pen on Fabriano Paper 2021
Brown Riot - Watercolour and Pencil on Fabriano Paper  2014
Pink Disappeared - Watercolour and Pencil on Fabriano  2014
The Precariat & Weeping Fresco - Tapestry Sculpture 2021
The Precariat
The Precariat
The Precariat - Tapestry, Worsted Wool and Embroidery Thread 2021
Install at night
View at night
View at night
View at night


 Influenced by conventions in classical architecture and statuary, Supplicants includes soft sculptures, tapestries, drawing and fresco painting. 


“A wave is sweeping around the globe where discontent and disillusion in the establishment are ripe. We are in the middle of a global transformation, where turbulence and revolt can be seen in many countries. How can the phenomenon of populism and the rise in extreme versions of nationalism be seen not as an aberration or singular event but as a symptom of something much larger? Where and how do we find meaning when the structures upon which we anchor our lives, such as family, religion and community, are being eroded?” – Ursula Burke

Beholden to someone more powerful, a supplicant humbles themselves in order to gain what they want and need. This collection of work considers the power relations and societal hierarchies that exist within our social and material lives.


A life-sized sculpture of a Caryatid, a lone female figure made mainly of wool and porcelain, stands symbolically supporting the entablature of a building upon her head. Tapestries explore the conventions around representation and display in Medieval and Renaissance wall tapestries. Framed drawings present thinly veiled representations of injustice and inequality. 

Responding to the context of the space and VISUAL’s architecture, Ursula Burke works on a larger scale here, using materials that are often overlooked, underestimated or relegated to the domestic/female domain. 

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